Thursday, June 14, 2007

Busy busy busy!!

My exciting happy thing for today: Angelina is a MORRIS now!!! Sommer called me and it's final!!!!!!

We're doing well here. Lotsa appointments next week, but we have a few days of "downtime" to just "be". We are all enjoying summer--sleeping in, exercising, and all doing our own things. "M" is reading, Taj and "J" are doing lots of role playing (seems like everyone in the house has whiskers drawn on their faces to be "Puss" from Shrek) and Aria is in heaven with all the people to play with--not only does she have a big sister, but all of her other friends are home from school. Za still hasn't decided whether she is a "baby" or a "big kid"--but she manages to keep pretty busy....

Sascha has all four teeth--and Baby D is working on her seventh tooth. Both are scootching all over and actively involved in our daily lives.

Speaking of "Shrek", Taj asked me the other day what "sexy" meant. I told him it meant you were attractive to the opposite gender---a man was very handsome to a woman and a woman was beautiful to a man. He said he thought it just meant you were "extra fancy"....

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Lotsa Kids!

We have a placement! A brother ("J" age 8) and sister ("M" age 10). Their dad is military--overseas--and they were staying with their grandparents--it wasn't a good situation for them, so they'll be here for awhile. They seem to be working out really well. Aria really looks up to "M" (she's very good with younger kids) and the boys are having a blast!! They've been playing "Cars" and "Spiderman"
and trains since last night!

And I, of course, am loving having 7 kids here--it's good.

Looking forward to August--only two more months!!!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Life is good...

We had a GREAT visit with my parents last weekend.

Jeff's called me TWICE this week.

The bonus is showing up on the LES so it should hit our account soon.

They finally got our fence up on Friday so the kids can all play outside without supervision--and the puppies can cavort.

Baby D is officially "on the charts" at 16 pounds 7 ounces as of Thursday--no more fortifying her meals with scoops of formula--she's SO MUCH happier!!!

Tomorrow is potluck lunch at church.

Sascha's front teeth are almost in.

We are all healthy.

The weather has been gorgeous.

Just feeling really good lately....