Happy Holidays!!!
After dinner my folks took us to the hotel (they took care of the rooms for both nights), helped us get checked in--the room was smoky, but it was too much work to go down and get a different room. We got everyone bathed and settled in--Za cried for awhile because she wanted to sleep with me, but it was quiet by 10:30. Baby J woke up the first time about 12:30--and then I was pretty much up with at least one baby at a time until about 2:30--then I got another 2 hour chunk of sleep until Little Brother woke up for good at 4:45.
We went down and had breakfast (and I carried the playpens out to the van) and then took everyone up and bathed the babies (I'd fed them breakfast in their jammies!) We left the hotel about 9:00, stopped by Darcy's house and gave her her Xmas gift (I made name frames for practically everyone this year!), and went out to my parents' house. Marty came by with Eve to pick up chairs for their dinner and opened their presents (more name frames--one with Eve's whole name and one that said, "Appel Family"). I fed Baby J and put him down for a nap--then fed Little Brother and put him down with a bottle. We had a nice meal and then my mom and I hung out downstairs with the babies and watched "Parenthood" (Jeff called about then--he had had a nice meal and then had gone out on a mission) while Taj and Aria watched Shrek 3 with my Dad upstairs. We all left about 4:30 and my folks checked us into Ameristar for the night. We went out to Colleen's and visited with her and her two youngest girls. (Tiffany is in CA going to Stanford--she'll be home in a few weeks for Xmas). We left about 8:00, dropped off Amy's presents (they weren't home) and went back to Ameristar and had a late supper at the cafe there. We were all in bed by 10:30--and Baby J was up SCREAMING at 11:30. I think he was just really overtired, as he didn't want a bottle or anything I could think of. He finally fell asleep after about 1/2 an hour. I was up a few times after that and we were up again by 6:30 or so. We got ready and I fed the babies their oatmeal in the tub, and we went downstairs to the cafe again for breakfast. Then we delivered the last few gifts, picked up pizzas and went to Becki's house. We had a great visit--and headed out about 4:30. Everyone slept during most of the 4 hour ride (except me!) and we got home a little after 8:00. I crashed HARD that night--and got a nap yesterday!